悋 愕惠忰 惺 悋惡 悋愆悴悋惺 悒悵悋 惶忰 悋惺慍 惷忰 悋愕惡.
愕悋 惡惘惡 悋悖惶 愕忰惘惘 悋 愕愀.
About me, from the bottom of my heart I would like to say that I believe in Allah (SWT), I believe Islam is the final and the complete message for humanity that Allah sent through Mohammad (PBUH). I believe that we have no hope in real substantial peace and sustainable prosperity unless we follow the Islamic Shari'a laws which is the only able to end up the messy life we are living today. I believe further that nothing is impossible 4 a brave heart only if the scope is clear then the way 2. I love my work, my future family and kids in