Willy Kafeero Bikokye –In Charge of Balanced ScoreCard /M+E/PMTCT/EID
Medical / Health Care / Pharmaceuticals
Willy is Monitoring and Evaluation specialist; he has a wide range of experience in monitoring and evaluating in areas ranging from Maternal and Child Health, Community Health, ehealth, EMTCT. HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, nutrition, family planning, He is an expert in performing statistical analysis; database design and project planning and management.
Willy is coordinating PMTCT/EID weekly surveillance report on behalf of Baylor Uganda coordinating 23 districts of Rwenzori, Eastern and West Nile which consists of 387 health facilities , he is on the Technical Sub Committee of EMTCT/M+E at MOH-Uganda
He is the officer in charge of BALANCED SCORECARD in Baylor Uganda where tracks performance ...