Wiztech Automation (Chennai), an ISO 9001:2008 Certified organization, based at Chennai, started in the year 2006 is one of the top MNC’s providing services in industrial automation consulting, enhanced technical and unlimited practical ‘hands-on training’ in PLC, SCADA, VFD, Control panels, field instruments, DCS, Embedded Systems, VLSI. We are accredited as a CENTER OF EXCELLENCE by the INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION ORGANIZATION (IAO). PLC/SCADA/DCS/EMBEDDED/VLSI training is envisaged to update and widen the knowledge of the B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech/Diploma (ECE, EEE, E&I, BME, MECH, CHEM, CSE, IT) who are interested to have a better career in Industrial automation, Embedded Systems and V