I go by the name Apiz.
-Age? 21.
-I'm from Jb.
-I'm weird, funny, fun, crazy, radical, I speak my mind, I'm a little rascal, I do whatever I
feel like too.
-Music is pretty much my life & without it I would probably die.
-I roll the way I wanna roll. U could never understand.
-Plus, I effin hate ppl LIKE TO SHOW OFF!
-Need more info?
-Add me & comment, I'll sure reply.
Just read
aku pergi
membawa diri..
merawat luka....
perghhh! sadis benar ni...
aku akan pergi.. pergi jauh..... (jauh ke?)
pergi... ke suatu destinasi asing,,,,
mencari harga diri....
yang telah dipijak mati oleh insan insan sepi yg memandang sinis....