I'm just a simpLe girL who loves strawberries and sweets :))
I Love God so much :)). Without him I'm nothing.
I Love my FamiLy, all of them are supportive especially my nanay and tatay, they always cheers me up to fight :)) that's why I can't Live without them.
I Love to cast my smiLes ^^v
even my smiLes are not perfect. XDD
I'm just an average girL :)) who's looking for my average guy :)) <3
I don't have favorite things and stuffs , I just Like it. XDD
I Love to sing but music does not Loves me. XDD -.-"
Doing simple things makes me smiLe and touch my heart. ^^v
If you want more about me, let's just be friends :))) For sure you will know me better. <3