when I Lo0k in d mirror,
I just want 2 like myself..
and if i Like myself
then i Look g0od...
I always try 2 get rid of a probLem
on my own..
Any problem i have
i probabLy caused myself, usualy
by not bein6 Inteligent. .
I never teLL anybody my problems,
they are my problems and
everybody seems to have their own ...
I am realy starting to di6 being different ...
Im Looking for better things...
Like, Happiness and Love...
I Learned a lot from my experience,
so i don't regret it...
It was good for me, Like a sLap in the face..
i know that bein6 somebody ...
Doesn't make you anybody ...
I Love Myself The Way I Am,
There’s Nothing I Need To Change.
I’ll Always Be The Perfect Me,