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Israel Israel
Freelance consultant, Demography researcher and political writer at MySelf (as an independent consultant)
Top Manager in a wide variety of business and public services applications, with large experience especially in developing and managing new from scratch projects Specialties: Non-profits management, business negotiations, marketing and purchasing, project management Demography researcher Political writer https://independent.academia.edu/YakovFaitelson http://www.izs.org.il/eng/?father_id=114&catid=118 http://www.izs.org.il/heb/?father_id=114&catid=118 https://www.facebook.com/yakov.faitelson http://www.slideshare.net/YakovFaitelson/ On December 17, 2013 was awarded the honourable professor degree at the International Solomon University; Starting from March 18, 2014, member of the "Tea...
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70 仍亠 舒亰于亳亳 亰舒亳仍 1948-2018 亞亞.
70 仍亠 舒亰于亳亳 亰舒亳仍 1948-2018 亞亞.70 仍亠 舒亰于亳亳 亰舒亳仍 1948-2018 亞亞.
70 仍亠 舒亰于亳亳 亰舒亳仍 1948-2018 亞亞.
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丱仂仍仂从仂, 亟亠仄仂亞舒亳亠从舒 从舒舒仂舒 亠于亠亶从仂亞仂 仆舒仂亟舒 14 09-2016


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