Old projects:
Auction.ua - online auction in Ukraine. Get investment from DST in
2007, sold in 2010 to MIH.
Banner.ua - ad network. Sold in 2012.
My current investment:
In mobile:
2Event.com - Mobile social networks for event attendees and organisers. Ticket to events. Info about events, agenda. Find travel companion and roommates.
QRTaxi.com.ua - Mobile solutions for taxi. Android, Ios.
In Web:
MySchool.ua - free social network for school. Search investment stage
A, and partnership for launch at worldwide.
Kartinka.net - ad over pictures on web-site.
BezGmo.ua - food store.
Other, on-hold projects:
HotelsBooking.com.ua - booking in Ukraine
Oceni.ua - price comparision