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Organization / Workplace
Reading, United Kingdom United Kingdom
Employment Expert
Government / Military
Experienced programme management professional with a solid 22-years background in addressing a range of development issues on social protection, livelihood promotion, governance, peacebuilding and capacity building. Currently working as Employment Expert of Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS), Youb has provided resident advisory services to MoLESS for a strategic and operational area to operate Prime Minister Employment Programme (PMEP). He has produced strategic papers, drafted/reviewed legislative documents, internal employment promotion framework, concept notes including emergency employment plan, employment and various operating guidelines.
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Labour and Employment Service Convergence in Nepal
Labour and Employment Service Convergence in NepalLabour and Employment Service Convergence in Nepal
Labour and Employment Service Convergence in Nepal
爐爛爐爐鉦げ爐爐 爐萎爐爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐爛 爐爐朽じ爛爐ムぞ 爐 爐爐萎た爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐爐逗爐萎ぃ.pptx
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爐爛爐爐鉦げ爐爐 爐萎爐爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐爛 爐爐朽じ爛爐ムぞ 爐 爐爐萎た爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐爐逗爐萎ぃ.pptx