Providing his services on the role of big data developer having designation as IT Analyst at Tata consultancy services based on technical expertise in:
Big data technology:
a.) File formats: Apache avro, Apache parquet, JSON, CSV
b.) NoSQL databases:Apache HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB
c.) SQL Databases: Apache Hive,Impala,SQL,PL/SQL on Mysql,Oracle 11g.
d.) Frameworks : Map Reduce MR1 and MR2 ,Apache Hadoop 2.x,
e.) Data ingestion tools: Apache Sqoop, Apache flume,Apache Kafka
f.) Distributed computing frameworks: Apache Spark (scala,python,java based API) Spark core, Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, Apache Flink (scala API) streaming based, Apache Storm
g.) Open source platform of Hadoop: C...