I am a Muslim I refuse any terrorist nor happy thought of any terrorist act. I am a Muslim I refuse the killing of innocent people. I am a Muslim I respect all ...religions. I am a Muslim I refuse domestic violence against children and Women. I am a Muslim I love the peace and I don't accept to hurting any human being created by God. My Religion is a religion of peace, not terrorism and who supporting terrorism, blasphemy and violence is not Muslim.<3 <3 <3
悋悋 惠悋悸 悋 悖惺 惺 悵惘 悋惆惺 悖惺 悋惆惺 悴惺 惠悋悸 惷惺悸..悋 悖惺 愕悋 悋惠惘悴 悖惺 悋惠惘悴 惡悖 悵 ... 悋 悖