...it is what it is...one day at a time.
With his Kollar popped
He is Klean-Kut and dressed to Kill
Others call him Kocky and Konceited
That may be true, but SO WHAT!!
He is Konvinced and Konfident that he is the best
He refuses to be Kontaminated by hatas
He is finer than a glass of the best Kognac
He knows that no other frat
Kan Kompete, Kompare, or Kontest
What he is all about
No Alpha, Omega, Sigma, or Iota
Kan hold a Kandle to this brother
This Kalm, Kool, Kollect, and Klassy brother
He is Konfident about his Karacter
He is Kaptivating and Karing and when he has to be
He is Klever
He is the perfect Kandidate for any woman