"judgE mE
& i'lL prOve u wrOng.
TelL mE whAt tO dO
& i'lL telL u off...
sAy i'm nOt wOrth iT
& wAtch whEre i eNd Up...
calL mE bitCh &
i'lL shOw u iT...
fuck mE ovEr &
i'lL dO iT twicE aS bAd...
CalL mE crAzy,
bUt u realLy have nO idEa."
"all my life I had been
looking for something,
& everywhere I turned someone
tried to tell me what it was.
I accepted their answers too,
though they were often in contradiction
& even self-contradictory.
I was looking for myself
& asking everyone except
myself questions which I,
& only I, could answer.
It took me a long time
& much painful boomeranging
of my expectations to achieve
a realization everyone else