The document discusses how workspace design can increase productivity through natural lighting, collaboration spaces, and individual workstations. It emphasizes that workspace design plays an important role in employee health and safety by addressing environmental risks and focusing on air quality. The use of smart gadgets can also increase productivity by reducing workloads, minimizing risks, and speeding up production. Maintaining a clean workspace environment further helps reduce sickness, improve focus, enable communication, and build healthy habits.
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1. WORKSPACE DESIGN (Increase productivity
with Nature and good Lighting)
¡ñ It is the part of designing.
¡ñ It is basically used to optimize worker performance and
make worker into safety.
¡ñ It is basically a best way of increasing our productivity
through lightning.
¡ñ It is basically a file and a directory that allows a user to
gather various information through source code and
resource files.
2. Types of workspace design
There are 5 main types of workspace designs such
¡ñ The collaboration Space.
¡ñ Small rooms for an individual persons.
¡ñ The loner desks.
¡ñ Specialized workstations.
¡ñ Executive Spaces.
3. Importance of workspace designs
¡ñ It plays very important role for health and safety of an
¡ñ It also deals with high and low risks caused by environment in
the company.
¡ñ In this we can also focuses on the nature , quality of air and so
¡ñ It works through the behalf of natural lights as it also
decreases the critical effects of eye risks, mental pressure and
so on.
4. Use of Smart gadgets Increases
¡ñ It helps for increasing the production of a company.
¡ñ The use of smart electronic gadgets also helps for increasing
¡ñ Use of smart gadgets also reduced the workload and also
minimize the total number of risk caused in the production.
¡ñ As it also increases the speed of working in production in the
5. Clean Workspace Environment
¡ñ It helps to reduces sickness that affecting body and mind
of the worker.
¡ñ It helps workers to attentive towards their work in the
¡ñ It also leads to the communication between all the
workers and works consistently.
¡ñ Doing cleaning on regular basis helps you to get rid of
unnecessary things and it comes in our habbits.