The trailer proposal is for a thriller/action film called "The Follower" that tells the story of a young boy named Sam who befriends a new student in town named Will, unaware that Sam's former psychopath friend plans to target them. The trailer would establish Sam and Will's friendship, show Will getting kidnapped and taken to Sam's house, and end with Will escaping and racing to warn Sam, only to arrive as the follower closes in on the house. If made, the film is targeted towards 15-25 year old male audiences, and production including filming and editing is estimated to take 5-8 weeks.
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Film trailer proposal document
1. Film Trailer Proposal Document
Name of film: The Follower
Tagline: believe some, fear none.
Genre: Thriller/Action
Story Cannon: The Bourne Identity meets Attack the Block
Synopsis of film: A young boy (Sam) who was previously friends with a psychopath moves on
from making holding packages for his friend by making a friend (Will) with a new student
who moves into town. Not knowing both the young boy and his new friend are going to
Outline of trailer: first scene will establish him Sam and Will.
The second scene would be about what is currently going on.
The third scene would be about Will being beaten up and kidnapped to take the attacker to
Sam’s house.
The next shot will be when Will escapes and heads towards the Sam’s house to tell but
doesn’t know he’s being followed.
The last scene he finally reaches the house for and tells Sam everything. Sam reveails
everything but it is to late as the follower is outside the house.
Extra scene- this scene (if included in the film) will be how Sam played a crucial role in the
life of the follower.
Target Audience:
Originally the (TA) is 15+ however due to so many characters which are 16 to even 18. we
expect the audience that are watching the film to be 15-25 males.
Release and Distribution details:
For the film it will take 2-3 weeks of filming and another 4-5 weeks to edit, this will finally be
released after the editing is done and we are fully finished our work.