well 1 word for it- CARTOON!!! see my dp for proof :-p
i am dis young li'l @poltergeist@, who likes a little FuN and jOKe in life...but i find it hard to connect with people :'-( most think that i am 22222 chilDish and iMMature! come on, does dropping a few drops of GLUE on someone's hair necessarily mean i am off-limits?!? :-/ does going to a girl and telling her that a friend of mine is Head-o'er-heelS 4 her mean that i am immature? GOD!!! i don't get why people take life so seriously...but i know~~~ i have a max 80 years ParTY tiME, then BaCk to PavilLion! so why not enjoy it? and yeah, living life means enjoying it with lauGhter, jOkes, Pranks...not wasting it by DRINking, SMOking,