悛惠愆 悋愕惠 惡慍 惺悋 惡惘 惘慍
惆擯惘悋 惘悋 慍 愕慍 悽惆 惡愕慍
You are a flame of fire, light up the world with your fire. Lit the same fire within others in which you are burning within yourself.
惡 悴悋 惠 擧 惆惘 惆 惆擯惘悛惘慍 惆悋惘
惡悴慍 悋 惆惺悋 擧 惡悽愆 惡 擧惡惠惘悋攤 惺悋惡
O God! I swear I have no desire in my heart except this burning passion that You instill a spirit of eagle in my fellows who are living like pigeons.
Abid Iqbal Khari is an educator, trainer and much-sought-after motivational speaker to organizations, individuals and professional teams. He inspires and informs people, helping them to realiz