Legal professiona mostlyl based out of New Delhi.Happily married with two lovely children.
An Indian, Hailing from Rohtak, Haryana,
Schooled from St. Xavier's Jaipur,
College from Hindu, Delhi Univ
Law from CLC Delhi Univ.
Practised as an Advocate for 14 years interspersed with a 4 yr Membership on Jaipur Stock Exchange.\
Last 11 years have been working as Inhouse Legal Counsel for reputed Indian and mnc's.
currently a legal professional at a law firm in delhi, and their managing partner for delhi.
Wife Reny prefers to be ahome-maker though a qualified Lawyer,she also is a counsellor at sanjivina, an ngo.
Two children-
Son- Siddharth has just completed his MBA from iim and will be w