:: hey guy's ...
call me : adie_stiveler ..
wakakaaa ..
* Current Residence: Bali ..
* deviantWEAR sizing preference: Grapich Design ,,,
* Favourite movie: Avatar , Titanic, 300, Final Destination ..
* Favourite band or musician: the used, brodway,avenged sevenfold,dragon force,seconhand sarenade, the living end, saosin ..
* Favourite genre of music: rock, emo , metal ..
* Favourite artist: my mom ..
* Operating System: window 7 ..
* MP3 player of choice: Nokia e71 n iphone 3G ,, my phone,my music,,my life ..
* Wallpaper of choice: DOTA Allstar by kunkka
* Favourite game: Counter Strike, Point Blank ..
* Favourite cartoon character: dora