fal in lub or hate,gt inspire or b dpresed ace 2 tes or flunk a clas mke babiz or art speak truth or lie or cheat dnce on tables or sit in corners life is divine choas, dnt embrce any1 n forgiv ur self,nd injoy the ride!!:D!!welkum tu my lil world!:D
i dun wOrry abt wat Otha'x say abt me, cUz it aint as half as bad as wat i think Ov 'em.. \m/
I M ThE GoThIc MaLang\M/(:p)(:d)
I M ThE PUnK mAlanGa\M/:p :D
O yA BaBy!!
Da pple i care abt dey knO da real ME n datx all dat matterX...
so all u uGlY UNknOWn BiTcHES nEvE tRy Tu Ad mI OR I LL..!!