www.aegis-lifesciences.com www.surgispon.com
We are manufacturer and exporter of DENTAL & SURGICAL SURGISPON® absorbable haemostatic gelatin sponge.
SURGISPON® is similar to GELFOAM (Pfizer), CUTANPLAST (Mascia bruneli) , GELITASPON (Gelita Medical) , SPONGOSTAN (J&J ,Ethicon) ,GELOPACK (Septodont) & Hemospon.
We are manufacturing a complete range of the same ,and having all the quality certificates such as ISO 13485, GMP and CE 0434 mark from DNV , in India.
A quality product with great pricing will be assured.
For more information you may please visit us at www.aegis-lifesciences.com & www.surgispon.com