the audience sees A JOKER AS joker but JokEr sEEs himself AS PERforMER.........
no MATTER WHat otherz thinK ABOUT you,,..,.itz ur life....loVE IT...make IT LARGE...........just
pRINcIPLEs Of MY LifE....
MONeY DOPeS NOt CReATE MAN....BUt It Is THE MAN who CReaTED MonEY..........
LIve YOur LIfe AS simPLe As posSIble.......
donT Do whAT OTHers Say....LIsteN TO THem...but do what YOU feel gooD DOINg......
dont FOLLOW BRANDS name...JUSt weAR tHOSE Things in which u FEEL comfortable.....
DONT waste UR monEY ON unneceSSARY THINgs...raTHER JUsT SPEnd on THOse thINgs u reAlly Need....
AFter ALL its UR life SO WHY alloW OTHRZ 2 RulE uR LIFe....