..say,what u want
..do,what u want
.study,what u want
..choose everything and do it..
(1 life u must 2 live it)
but,remember all the time u are in exam.
AbOuT mE...uMmM...'M sTrOnG,fEaRlEsS,cOmPLIcAtEd GaL.i TaLk LeSs ,LiStEn MuCh,ThInK mUcH. I rEsPeCt ThEm WhO rEsPeCt Me,I hAtE'eM wHo HaTe Me. bUt FoR mE lIfE iS tOo sHoRt WhErE tHeRe'S nO tImE tO hAtE oNe OtHeR... hAtE