" If yOu wAnt to acHieve tHinGs in Life, yOu've jUst gOt to dO thEm, aNd if yOu'rE taLeNteD aNd sMarT, you'LL suCcEeD...
I'am a dAughter, a sIster, a granddaUghtEr,a niEcE, a cOuzIn,a frIeND,i'am a Partner,a student bef0re, a nUrse, an SK Chairman, a young GIrL aNd a grown woMaN. i'AM CoNFIdeNt and sCared, terrified and eXcited. i"am LoviNg and thougHtfuL aNd hOpefuL. i'Am siCk and tiRed. i'aM sHy and frieNDLy aNd cArefUl aNd careLess.i'am broken and whOLe. i'am mIs Understood, miSguided and mislead. i'aM hardworking and deTermiNed, bUt a littLe scAred in The iNsiDE. i wish on sTars aNd dreAm, MY DREAMS. I pRay tO God aNd cRY mAh tEars. i smiLe on tHe oUtsidE WhIlE I'M DyINg ON ThE iNSIDe