Hi, am Akash belonging to ancestrial indo-aryan race of homo-sepian species.. living on planet earth, so any one looking for me for autograph(ha ha..) or to say "hello" to me, just reach milky way galaxy and google by string "earth" or reach Sun and take a U turn just 149,597,890 km in staright lane u will reach earth in no time.
I reside approx 13° 01' N 76° 10' E
on earth,shop for gps devise from Ebay great deal is going on there...with this gps co-ordinates you can reach me easily:-)
well am here @ 2k11 for time travellers info.
(p.s: time travellers i need a ride in time with ur time machine seriously plz....)
I am so far haven done remarkable till now but one day i