São Paulo Area, Brazil, SP Brazil
Co-Founder at Codeminer 42, co-founder of THE CONF event, organized 9 yearly Rubyconf Brazil. Blogger and Technologist
Technology / Software / Internet
I am the co-founder of Codeminer 42 a successful Ruby on Rails boutique in Brazil, serving advanced clients in Brazil and the USA. We have almost zero overhead and the head count of 60+ is almost all developers, self-organized in each project and also self-managing 9 physical offices around the country.
I am the creator and organizer of Rubyconf Brazil, which I organize with Locaweb every year since 2008. It's always growing and in 2015 we had our largest ever with more then 1,200 attendees talking about Ruby and new technology such as Elixir, Go. Now I retired from Rubyconf Brazil and started my own brand event THE CONF.
I have been programming and evangelizing Ruby since 2006. But I ...