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Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Moscow Russia
I am an independent filmmaker. I try to show the world full of miracles and beauty in my films. That's my vision and I share it's for you;-) I am an independent filmmaker. I try to show the world full of miracles and beauty in my films. That's my vision and I share it's for you;-) 亊 仆亠亰舒于亳亳仄亶 亳仍仄仄亠亶从亠 亳 亟仂从仄亠仆舒仍亳. 仄仂亠仄 于亳亟仂亳从舒亠仍亠 仄亳, 仗仂仍仆亶 从舒仂 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亠亶. 亅仂 仄仂亶 于亰亞仍磲 亳 亟亠仍ム 亳仄. "亊 于仍ミ頴姿ム 舒从, 仂 仍ミ莞 仆舒亳仆舒ム 仍ミ頴狐 弍仂仍亠" - 仆舒于亠仆仂亠 仂 仄仂 仄亳亳;-)

