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Cool Things You
Never Knew About
A non-profit
organization, founded in
1932 by Mr. Ray
Hastings, that promotes
new garden varieties
judged to have superior
garden performance in
impartial trials
throughout North
What is AAS?
How many AAS Winners were
introduced that first year?
AAS continues as the oldest, most
established international testing
organization in North America.
Four Trials for Entries
Breeders enter new, never-before-sold cultivars
to be judged in one of four categories:
1. Seed Ornamentals
2. Vegetative Ornamentals
3. Edible/Vegetables from Seed
4. Herbaceous Perennials
On average, how many total
entries do we get per year?
AAS Trial Site:
Green Bay Botanic Garden
AAS Trial Site:
Costa Farms in Florida
AAS Trial Site:
University of Georgia
AAS Trial Site:
Syngenta in California
How many AAS Trial sites do
we have for 2020?
 Horticulture professionals
 Seasoned trialing experts
 Unpaid  they volunteer their time
 Unbiased - cannot judge entries from their own
 The basis of our trialing program
AAS Trial Judges
Introduction Time
 Variety name
 Publicity photos
 Testing complete
 Priced and ready
By now, it can be
declared an AAS
How many photos do we allow
the breeder to post on our
website, per variety?
Publicity Program
Our Website
Publicity Program
Social Media
 際際滷 Share
Publicity Program
Display Gardens
Public Gardens, Garden Centers,
Extension/Master Gardener Groups grow and
display the past five years of AAS Winners.
How many AAS Display
Gardens do we have for 2020?
Easy to Find A Display Garden
4 in Indiana!
Display Garden:
SW Indiana MG Demo Garden
Purdue Extension-Marion
MG Assoc of Tippecanoe
MG Assoc of Tippecanoe
AAS Winner availability
You can purchase AAS Winners from your
favorite retailer. Just ask for them by name or by
AAS Winners
Lets Talk About
Coleus Main Street Beale Street
2020 Ornamental Vegetative Winner
Cucumber Green Light F1
2020 Edible Winner
What year did our Herbaceous
Perennial Trial begin?
What year did we announce
our first Winners from that
Echinacea Sombrero速 Baja Burgundy
2020 Herbaceous Perennial Winner
Nasturtium Tip Top Rose
2020 Ornamental Seed Winner
Pumpkin Blue Prince F1
2020 Edible Winner
Rudbeckia x American Gold Rush
2020 Herbaceous Perennial Winner
Tomato Apple Yellow F1
2020 Edible Winner
Tomato Buffalosun F1
2020 Edible Winner
Tomato Celano F1
2020 Edible Winner
Tomato Chefs Choice Bicolor F1
2020 Edible Winner
Tomato Crockini F1
2020 Edible Winner
Tomato Galahad F1
2020 Edible Winner
Tomato Early Resilience F1
2020 Edible Winner
Watermelon Mambo F1
2020 Edible Winner
Begonia Viking XL Red on Chocolate F1
2019 Ornamental Seed Winner
Marigold Big Duck Gold F1
2019 Ornamental Seed Winner
Marigold Big Duck Orange F1
2019 Ornamental Seed Winner
Marigold Big Duck Orange & Yellow F1
2019 Ornamental Seed Winner
Melon Orange SilverWave F1
2019 Edible Winner
Nasturtium Baby Rose
2019 Ornamental Seed Winner
Pepper Just Sweet F1
2019 Edible Winner
Which flower class has had the
most Winners?
How many?
Petunia Wave速 Carmine Velour F1
2019 Ornamental Seed Winner
Potato Clancy F1
2019 Edible Winner
Tomato Firefly F1
2019 Edible Winner
Tomato Mountain Rouge F1
2019 Edible Winner
Tomato Red Torch F1
2019 Edible Winner
Tomato Sparky XSL F1
2019 Edible Winner
Vinca MegaBloom Polka Dot F1
2019 Ornamental Seed Winner
For Morewww.aaswinners.com
A non-profit
organization, founded in
1920 by James Burdett,
who believed the home
gardener needed basic
instruction in backyard
What is NGB?
NGB Programs
2020 Year of:
NGBs Social Media
Reach of
For Morewww.ngb.org
or dblazek@ngb.org
PH: 630-963-0770
Thank you!

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2020.01 AAS Presentation for Extension