for the past years i had been lukin' 4 "magic"'l did i knw dt b4 u find it, 1 shld strt frst in findin' genuine frndshp..buildn' frndshp w/sm1 is a mattr of choice, it is considered a reward & at 'd sme tym, it is a challenge..i blv dt, "everythn' in lyf is all 'bout 'd risks & ul nvr live lyf 2d fullest if ul alwys b afraid"..*winks*..u cn nvr m8k it 2d nxt level w/o passin' thru d stage of frndshp..sometyms, sweetness blinds true tempts 1 to lyk or even luv sm1 even w/o hvn 'd vry foundation of luv w/c s dt of frndshp.."haste m8ks waste" as they say..we shld jst lt things happen & let it fol in2 pl8c..why am i sayn ds??..i got no clue either..all i knw s dt LYF IS TOO BE