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Organization / Workplace
The Hague Area, Netherlands Netherlands
Software Engineer at European Patent Office
Technology / Software / Internet
I have a 18-year programming experience employing different programming languages and paradigms in desktop application and web development. The main domain of my applications is natural language processing and information retrieval. For the last 4 years I used different Java technologies and learned courses (Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval RuSSIR 2010/12/13, Solr Under the Hood, etc.) to improve Lucene and Solr for the domain of music search at http://zaycev.net and Elasticsearch for the domain of patent search at the European Patent Office.
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Normalization of Non-Standard Words with Finite State Transducers for Russian Speech Synthesis
Normalization of Non-Standard Words  with Finite State Transducers  for Russian Speech SynthesisNormalization of Non-Standard Words  with Finite State Transducers  for Russian Speech Synthesis
Normalization of Non-Standard Words with Finite State Transducers for Russian Speech Synthesis
Text Processing with Finite State Transducers in Unitex
Text Processing with Finite State Transducers in UnitexText Processing with Finite State Transducers in Unitex
Text Processing with Finite State Transducers in Unitex
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亠亟于舒亳亠仍仆舒 仂弍舒弍仂从舒 亳 舒亰仄亠从舒 从仂仗舒 亠从仂于亠亟于舒亳亠仍仆舒 仂弍舒弍仂从舒 亳 舒亰仄亠从舒 从仂仗舒 亠从仂于
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