This document discusses using machine learning to identify warning behaviors in written communication that could indicate a violent lone offender (VLO). It presents experiments analyzing written texts from VLOs, bloggers, and forum users to classify them correctly with up to 92% accuracy. Key findings include that machine learning can separate VLO texts from others based on linguistic features and help identify potential VLOs prior to an attack. However, the document notes ethical issues would need consideration for real-world use.
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Identifying Warning Behaviors of Violent Lone Offenders in Written Communication
1. Identifying Warning Behaviors of Violent Lone
O?enders in Written Communication
1Amendra Shrestha
1 Lisa Kaati 2 Tony Sardella
1Uppsala University
2Washington University
December 12, 2016
2. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
1 Introduction
Violent lone o?enders
2 Countering VLOs
3 Data
4 Experiments
5 Conclusion
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3. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
School shootings
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6. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
Violent lone o?enders
Violent Lone O?enders (VLO)
? VLOs : school shooters, lone actor terrorists, mass murderers
? wide factors : social status, ideology, mental health,
personality type
? rare events
? pose a serious security threat to a society
? shows sign of psychological warning behaviours
? challenging to detect prior to an event
? challenge to identify, target and arrest
? common that they leave digital trace prior to attack
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7. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
Violent lone o?enders
Mass murderer : Dylan Roof
? killed 9 persons in a church shooting in Charleston, South
? published a manifesto on a website supporting white
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8. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
Violent lone o?enders
Lone actor terrorist: Anders Breivik
? killed 8 people by detonating a van bomb in Oslo
? shot dead 69 participants of a Workers¡¯ Youth League
? distributed a compendium of texts describing his militant
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9. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
Countering VLOs
? analyze and understanding potential signals in written
? can be used to stop these attacks
? combine weak signals and gain informations about intentions
? weak signals
? signs of an individuals radical beliefs and extreme hate
? knowledge about how to produce homemade explosives
? interest in ?rearms and signs of rehearsal
? signs of warning behaviours from written text
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10. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
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Investigate possibilities to identify potential
violent lone o?enders based on written
communication using machine learning
11. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
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? Electronic and written text
(manifestos, letters, blogs, etc.)
Pro?le of VLOs text Pro?le of non-VLOs users text
12. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
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? Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count
? a computerized word counting tool
? counts words in psychologically meaningful categories
19. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
? VLOs
? manifesto, personal letter, suicide letter written by school
shooters, mass murderers and lone o?enders
? 32 violent lone o?enders : 46 documents
? Non-VLOs
? 54 blogs written about personal interests, news, fashion and
? 108 stormfront users and their posts
? 108 users and their posts
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21. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
Experiment 1: Weak signals of warning behavior
? if it is possible to separate texts written by VLO
? combined lone o?enders into one set
? combined blogs, Stormfront and data into one set
? 11 important features used
? results :
? Accuracy : 0.8766
? Blogs + Forums : 254 out of 270 are correctly classi?ed
? VLO : 33 out of 46 are correctly classi?ed
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22. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
Experiment 2: Bloggers
? possibility to identify lone o?enders from bloggers
? 12 important features used
? results : blog vs VLO
? Accuracy : 0.89
? Blogs : 50 out of 54 are correctly classi?ed
? VLO : 39 out of 46 are correctly classi?ed
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23. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
Experiment 3: Stormfront users
? identify lone o?enders from Stormfront users
? 10 important features used
? results : Stormfront vs VLO
? Accuracy : 0.9026
? Forum : 100 out of 108 are correctly classi?ed
? LO : 33 out of 35 are correctly classi?ed
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24. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
Experiment 4: users
? identify lone o?enders from users
? 10 important features used
? results : vs VLO
? Accuracy : 0.9221
? Forum : 100 out of 108 are correctly classi?ed
? LO : 42 out of 46 are correctly classi?ed
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25. Outline Introduction Countering VLOs Data Experiments Conclusion
? machine learning can be use to identify texts written by
violent lone o?enders
? consider ethical issues
? aid for human analyst
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