don't have any naughty thinking about me..
i,m only a girl not an elien as u think..
sweet fourteen:)
i'm not perfect like Rasullulah....
maybe you can make me perfect.....
or i can help u to make yourself perfect..
so,,please add me...
but..the real one is perfect..
only Rasullulah..
u can add me if u are...
a happy one..don't be sad..
not selfish..
a cool one..
if u have any problem..
add mee....
insyallah..i'll help u to release all the problem...
if u hate me..
pergi mampos arr.!!
hehehe..ksar punyer bahase..
jangan ltak gmbar free hair,
sukar untk sya mg approve
kalu ade slap grammar aper sorrylah yer..
x pndai mner bi.