A little naughty...a little sweet...a little wicked...a little matured...a little mischevious...a little tolerant...thts ME!
believe in the beauties of life and the fact tht everthg tht happens has a gift in store 4 us...jus tht the rite time reveals it all.
thr is 2 much 2 give to be generous.being selfish gives only sadness...satisfaction lies in making othrs happy and seeing tht they really r happy!
it costs nothg to bring a smile on some1's face....it jus adds a little more happiness around!
life is 2 short....live it fully!========= lOvE 4 Me iS ThE Heaven
amrit anand. is synonymous to hard work, dedication, uniqueness, nature, music..... I am quite angelic but can be very rough