When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
I really l0ve "GOD"
c0z w/o HIM i am NOTHING..
I als0 believe dat a greAT p0weR c0mes 2 d greAT reSp0nsibility datz wHy i did n0t blame anyb0dy of gving me d resP0Nsibility of evERytHing becAUSE i kn0w i hav d p0wer..
I l0ve my siblings bC0z dey reMinds me of my late m0thER ..i l0ve my father t0o c0z he did everythNG 2 stand as a m0ther nd father 2 us. . My auntie "yaya nanie" is also the oNE i l0ve very much.. C0z she gves evrythng i want..
I am opeN mindEd, undERstanding, obeDient and em0ti0nal..
I'm n0t a tr0uble maker or killj0y i am an easy g0ing perS0N..
Just remember this...friends are like roses of life