i'm anum
i'm who im ... accept me as im,yo approval isnt needed,
i alwas gotta stay fresh n real partner,,,,
i'm in love with One Direction, my favorite color is black. I love to chill with y friends. I amd shy until I get comfortable, then imma Crazy nt ever suppose to talk to STranGErs,,its mah attitu3...n i L淡ve it...
[i always rememba the only 1 which is ALLAH]
I LOVE MUSIC N PAY ATTENTION to d lyrics ...dont follow me im lost too,,
.my Life , my ruLes
i d淡N care fah pPL hu donT care fah meeH.,!
if i'D to describe mai personality i'D say good looking, i don't try to be wot im nt n i don't try to impress anyone im hapy to be