The document discusses shallow and deep depth of field in photography. Shallow depth of field means part of the photo is in focus while other parts are blurred, and the point of focus can be in the front, back, or middle. It is difficult to achieve without a manual camera. Deep depth of field means everything from front to back is equally in focus, focus is softer throughout, and it is usually used for large landscapes with no true subject.
O documento fornece receitas de inseticidas naturais ¨¤ base de pimenta vermelha e fumo para pulg?es, vaquinhas e lagartas, urtiga para pulg?es, sab?o para pulg?es, ¨¢caros e moscas das frutas, e manipueira para ¨¢caros, pulg?es e formigas. As receitas descrevem os ingredientes e o processo de preparo de cada inseticida natural.