Яблоко. Как угостить гостя?andreyfelПрезентация «Яблоко. Как угостить гостя?» призвана решить задачу: Формировать представление о том, что предмет можно разделить на две равные части, учить называть части (одна вторая), сравнивать часть и целое. Закрепляет понятие состав числа 5 (5+0; 4+1; 3+2; 2+3; 1+4; 0+5).
Использование технологии ТРИЗ на занятияхandreyfelТРИЗ – это технология творчества, цель которой – стимулировать воображение, научить мыслить системно и вместе с тем нестандартно. ТРИЗ располагает конкретными приёмами, правилами, инструментами творчества
Italy presentazione scuola - ECLIPSE projectinsvallbonaThis document introduces an Italian school called Scuola Secondaria di I grado “G. Mazzini” located in Livorno, Italy. It provides details about the school, including that it has four buildings and is named after Italian patriot Giuseppe Mazzini. A typical school day at G. Mazzini involves classes from 8am to 1pm, with subjects like Italian, English, math, and art. Students have the option to participate in music lessons and foreign exchange programs. The document also summarizes information about Livorno, including that it is a medium-sized port town with over 161,000 inhabitants and popular sights such as Terrazza Mascagni and Fortezza
Eliud francisco padillaguzmán_actividad 3_sintestis.docxEliud PadillaEl documento describe los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje, incluyendo sus funciones cognitivas, elementos y consideraciones para el diseño didáctico. Explica que los ambientes de aprendizaje son procesos de interacción entre sujetos que utilizan herramientas mediáticas para actividades relacionadas con contenidos en un entorno virtual. También describe las etapas de un modelo instruccional para ambientes virtuales, incluyendo la definición de objetivos, análisis curricular y selección de estrategias como propiciar el desequilibrio cognitivo
Question 2Ben AmbroseWithin the thriller opening, the document represents several social groups through common stereotypes:
1) It portrays men as always fighting for dominance and leadership, using violence to achieve supremacy. This is shown through a confrontation between two main male characters.
2) It excludes female characters to focus solely on the male protagonists and adhere to the genre stereotype of male leads.
3) It depicts teenagers as independent, disconnected from others, and rebellious. This is conveyed through isolating one character on screen and using dark, ominous lighting in scenes.
4) It briefly touches on middle-class people as hard-working and self-reliant through one character's actions.
Celiac diseasealiciadiezThis document discusses celiac disease, an illness that causes inflammation in the small intestine and prevents absorption of nutrients. It is caused by consuming gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue and poor growth in children. It is not contagious but genetic. While there is no cure, researchers have developed a pill that can be taken to mitigate the negative effects of accidental gluten consumption and prevent health dangers for those with celiac disease.
What did you learn from your audience feedbackTheTargetMasterThe document summarizes audience feedback received for a thriller opening sequence and accompanying promotional materials. Interviews with target audience members found that the opening sequence was mostly successful in conveying the genre and purpose. However, the poster received criticism for potentially misleading audiences about the genre. While the magazine cover promotional piece was received better than the poster in some ways, it also received criticism about unfinished elements and poor color choice. Overall, the feedback showed that the target audience understood the teaser's purpose in marketing the film.
AppendicitisaliciadiezAppendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a small tube-like organ attached to the large intestine. There are two main types - acute appendicitis caused by bacterial infection and chronic appendicitis which is rarer and develops slowly. Common symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Surgery to remove the appendix (appendectomy) is usually required to treat appendicitis. While anyone can develop appendicitis, it is most common in people between 10-30 years old. Recovery time varies but usually takes 10-28 days.
The Latest in Social Media: Storytelling, Live Content and FunEvelyn McCormackEvelyn McCormack presented on the latest trends in social media for storytelling and live content. She discussed using visuals, running campaigns, staying active and building engagement. She highlighted trends like visual storytelling using tools like Adobe Spark, Canva and Instagram, as well as live video on Facebook and Twitter. McCormack provided examples and tutorials for creating visual stories, videos and using different platforms to engage audiences.
Derecho penal2_IAFJSRMauri RojasInstituto Academia de Formación Jurídica Simón Rodríguez
“Enseñanza Jurídica que transforma vidas”.
Somos una institución de Educación de Adultos, que germino legalmente el 17 de Julio del Año 2014, siendo registrada en el Ministerio del Poder Popular Para las Relaciones Interiores y Justicia, Servicio Autónomo de Registros y Notarias y ante los órganos educativos del Estado Venezolano, entre los que destacan el INCES y el Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación, dedicada a la formación continua de profesionales en el derecho, preparándolos para entender, comprender y desarrollar exitosamente su ejercicio jurídico.
Estamos ubicados en la Ciudad de Maracay Estado Aragua – Venezuela. www.iafjsr.com.ve
Science dravetaliciadiezDravet syndrome, also called severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, is a severe form of epilepsy that appears during the first year of life with frequent febrile seizures. It affects the cerebral cortex and causes problems with language, motor skills, hyperactivity, and relating to others that result in the affected person depending on others. Dravet syndrome was discovered by Charlotte Dravet in 1987 and is a chronic, non-infectious illness caused by genetic mutations that results in lifelong seizures.
Possessive pronouns - English LanguageA. SimoesThe document discusses possessive pronouns and how they attribute ownership to someone or something. Some examples of possessive pronouns include: mine, yours, hers, ours, and theirs. Possessive pronouns can be used instead of repeating a noun phrase for brevity. For instance, saying "this dog is mine" instead of "this dog is my dog". The document provides a chart showing the personal pronouns and their corresponding possessive pronouns. It also includes some example sentences demonstrating the use of possessive pronouns.
Возможности ИКТ в деятельности ДООandreyfelВозможности использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий в деятельности дошкольного образовательного учреждения
Presentacion s2 do lismary perez sarabiaLIS PEREZEl documento discute la importancia de la educación como base para la conciencia y la revolución. Luego describe la prevención como un conjunto de acciones sistemáticas para promover el desarrollo humano a través de la reducción de factores de riesgo y el fortalecimiento de factores de protección. Finalmente, hace un llamado a seguir el legado de Hugo Chávez trabajando en comités antidrogas cívico-militares para evitar y controlar los daños del consumo de sustancias y ayudar a quienes se rehabilitan.
Ulma's 22 pointsSHABBIR AHMADThe 22 Point Ulama document outlines principles for governance of Pakistan according to Islamic law. It states that sovereignty belongs to God alone and that the Quran and Sunnah must form the basis of all law. It also outlines that the state should uphold Islamic practices and prohibit unIslamic ones, unite Muslims worldwide, and provide basic needs for all citizens regardless of religion. Fundamental rights for citizens like safety, worship, expression and equality are to be respected under Islamic law.
Mapa mental teniente jessica modulo iiiJOSE EUSTOQUIO PADILLA LADERAEl consumo de drogas y alcohol puede dañar diversos órganos como el hígado, corazón y estómago, y causar enfermedades como hepatitis, paranoia y depresión. Además, puede generar problemas como accidentes de tránsito, ausentismo laboral, violencia, delincuencia y muerte. El alcohol específicamente puede elevar el colesterol y causar infartos cardíacos, úlceras estomacales y cirrosis hepática que puede resultar fatal.
Bitkisel yağlarLevent NergizYağ sektörü ve yağlar hakkında teknik bilgiler.
Mapa mental s2 do lismary perez sarabiaLIS PEREZEste documento resume los principales factores que intervienen en el consumo de drogas, incluyendo factores personales (biológicos, psicológicos y sociales), características de la droga (disponibilidad, tipo, poder adictivo, vía de administración y frecuencia e intensidad), y factores ambientales (familia, escuela, grupos y comunidad). Además, describe conceptos clave relacionados con el consumo como uso, abuso, tolerancia, abstinencia, dependencia, daño y necesidad.
PRESENTACIÓN MODULO IIITTE JESSICA MERCADO LADERAJOSE EUSTOQUIO PADILLA LADERAEste documento presenta información sobre las bases científicas de la prevención integral de drogas. Explica que las drogas pueden clasificarse según su origen, legalidad y efectos en el sistema nervioso. Luego describe los principales factores de riesgo y protección familiar e individual que pueden explicar el consumo de drogas. Finalmente, resume los diferentes tipos de programas preventivos que se han utilizado a lo largo de los años.
Mapa mental teniente jessica mercado modulo III (1)jessica mercado laderaEl consumo de drogas y alcohol puede dañar diversos órganos como el hígado, corazón y estómago, y causar enfermedades como hepatitis, paranoia y depresión. Además, puede provocar problemas como accidentes de tránsito, violencia, delincuencia y muerte, así como ausentismo laboral. El alcohol específicamente puede causar exceso de colesterol, úlceras estomacales y cirrosis hepática, poniendo en riesgo la vida.
Celiac diseasealiciadiezThis document discusses celiac disease, an illness that causes inflammation in the small intestine and prevents absorption of nutrients. It is caused by consuming gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue and poor growth in children. It is not contagious but genetic. While there is no cure, researchers have developed a pill that can be taken to mitigate the negative effects of accidental gluten consumption and prevent health dangers for those with celiac disease.
What did you learn from your audience feedbackTheTargetMasterThe document summarizes audience feedback received for a thriller opening sequence and accompanying promotional materials. Interviews with target audience members found that the opening sequence was mostly successful in conveying the genre and purpose. However, the poster received criticism for potentially misleading audiences about the genre. While the magazine cover promotional piece was received better than the poster in some ways, it also received criticism about unfinished elements and poor color choice. Overall, the feedback showed that the target audience understood the teaser's purpose in marketing the film.
AppendicitisaliciadiezAppendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a small tube-like organ attached to the large intestine. There are two main types - acute appendicitis caused by bacterial infection and chronic appendicitis which is rarer and develops slowly. Common symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Surgery to remove the appendix (appendectomy) is usually required to treat appendicitis. While anyone can develop appendicitis, it is most common in people between 10-30 years old. Recovery time varies but usually takes 10-28 days.
The Latest in Social Media: Storytelling, Live Content and FunEvelyn McCormackEvelyn McCormack presented on the latest trends in social media for storytelling and live content. She discussed using visuals, running campaigns, staying active and building engagement. She highlighted trends like visual storytelling using tools like Adobe Spark, Canva and Instagram, as well as live video on Facebook and Twitter. McCormack provided examples and tutorials for creating visual stories, videos and using different platforms to engage audiences.
Derecho penal2_IAFJSRMauri RojasInstituto Academia de Formación Jurídica Simón Rodríguez
“Enseñanza Jurídica que transforma vidas”.
Somos una institución de Educación de Adultos, que germino legalmente el 17 de Julio del Año 2014, siendo registrada en el Ministerio del Poder Popular Para las Relaciones Interiores y Justicia, Servicio Autónomo de Registros y Notarias y ante los órganos educativos del Estado Venezolano, entre los que destacan el INCES y el Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación, dedicada a la formación continua de profesionales en el derecho, preparándolos para entender, comprender y desarrollar exitosamente su ejercicio jurídico.
Estamos ubicados en la Ciudad de Maracay Estado Aragua – Venezuela. www.iafjsr.com.ve
Science dravetaliciadiezDravet syndrome, also called severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, is a severe form of epilepsy that appears during the first year of life with frequent febrile seizures. It affects the cerebral cortex and causes problems with language, motor skills, hyperactivity, and relating to others that result in the affected person depending on others. Dravet syndrome was discovered by Charlotte Dravet in 1987 and is a chronic, non-infectious illness caused by genetic mutations that results in lifelong seizures.
Possessive pronouns - English LanguageA. SimoesThe document discusses possessive pronouns and how they attribute ownership to someone or something. Some examples of possessive pronouns include: mine, yours, hers, ours, and theirs. Possessive pronouns can be used instead of repeating a noun phrase for brevity. For instance, saying "this dog is mine" instead of "this dog is my dog". The document provides a chart showing the personal pronouns and their corresponding possessive pronouns. It also includes some example sentences demonstrating the use of possessive pronouns.
Возможности ИКТ в деятельности ДООandreyfelВозможности использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий в деятельности дошкольного образовательного учреждения
Presentacion s2 do lismary perez sarabiaLIS PEREZEl documento discute la importancia de la educación como base para la conciencia y la revolución. Luego describe la prevención como un conjunto de acciones sistemáticas para promover el desarrollo humano a través de la reducción de factores de riesgo y el fortalecimiento de factores de protección. Finalmente, hace un llamado a seguir el legado de Hugo Chávez trabajando en comités antidrogas cívico-militares para evitar y controlar los daños del consumo de sustancias y ayudar a quienes se rehabilitan.
Ulma's 22 pointsSHABBIR AHMADThe 22 Point Ulama document outlines principles for governance of Pakistan according to Islamic law. It states that sovereignty belongs to God alone and that the Quran and Sunnah must form the basis of all law. It also outlines that the state should uphold Islamic practices and prohibit unIslamic ones, unite Muslims worldwide, and provide basic needs for all citizens regardless of religion. Fundamental rights for citizens like safety, worship, expression and equality are to be respected under Islamic law.
Mapa mental teniente jessica modulo iiiJOSE EUSTOQUIO PADILLA LADERAEl consumo de drogas y alcohol puede dañar diversos órganos como el hígado, corazón y estómago, y causar enfermedades como hepatitis, paranoia y depresión. Además, puede generar problemas como accidentes de tránsito, ausentismo laboral, violencia, delincuencia y muerte. El alcohol específicamente puede elevar el colesterol y causar infartos cardíacos, úlceras estomacales y cirrosis hepática que puede resultar fatal.
Bitkisel yağlarLevent NergizYağ sektörü ve yağlar hakkında teknik bilgiler.
Mapa mental s2 do lismary perez sarabiaLIS PEREZEste documento resume los principales factores que intervienen en el consumo de drogas, incluyendo factores personales (biológicos, psicológicos y sociales), características de la droga (disponibilidad, tipo, poder adictivo, vía de administración y frecuencia e intensidad), y factores ambientales (familia, escuela, grupos y comunidad). Además, describe conceptos clave relacionados con el consumo como uso, abuso, tolerancia, abstinencia, dependencia, daño y necesidad.
PRESENTACIÓN MODULO IIITTE JESSICA MERCADO LADERAJOSE EUSTOQUIO PADILLA LADERAEste documento presenta información sobre las bases científicas de la prevención integral de drogas. Explica que las drogas pueden clasificarse según su origen, legalidad y efectos en el sistema nervioso. Luego describe los principales factores de riesgo y protección familiar e individual que pueden explicar el consumo de drogas. Finalmente, resume los diferentes tipos de programas preventivos que se han utilizado a lo largo de los años.
Mapa mental teniente jessica mercado modulo III (1)jessica mercado laderaEl consumo de drogas y alcohol puede dañar diversos órganos como el hígado, corazón y estómago, y causar enfermedades como hepatitis, paranoia y depresión. Además, puede provocar problemas como accidentes de tránsito, violencia, delincuencia y muerte, así como ausentismo laboral. El alcohol específicamente puede causar exceso de colesterol, úlceras estomacales y cirrosis hepática, poniendo en riesgo la vida.