16.06.2008 - currently Professor Assistant at the Chair of Neurosurgery of State Medical and Pharmaceutical University Nicolae Testemitanu, Chisinau.
06.12 27.12.2011
Educational and Research Fellowship. International Neuroscience Institute. Hannover, Germany. Prof. M. Samii, Prof. Helmut Bertalanffy.
06. 10 - 20. 12. 2010 International Fellow in Neurosurgery at Stroke and Brain Center of Aizawa Hospital, Prof. Shigeiaki Kobayashi. The Department of Neurosurgery Shinshu University Hospital, , Prof. Kazuhiro Hongo. Matsumoto, Japan.
09.06 10.07.2009 International Fellow in Neurosurgery, UNIVERSITATSKLINICUM Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University, Prof. He