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Organization / Workplace
Fort Collins, Colorado
Package Monkey
MORE QUOTATIONS: (cause these fuckers have a 3000 character cap)
"Got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God... And I absolutely hate the fucker" -Riddik
"What do you do when your foundation falls apart? I don't know. They don't teach you that in school."-Stevo
"Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret. Dr. Laurence J. Peter
"There may not be a 'I' in team, but there is no 'we' in win."
"Nothing says TEAMWORK like an orgy."
Sith teachings:
*Equality: a myth to protect the weak.
*Those who ask for mercy are undeserving of it.
*There is no such thing as a noble death.
*Peace is a lie. There is only pas
Users following Andy Tatro