Adv Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Certified BodyTalk and MindScape Instructor, PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner
Angie Tourani is Hong Kong’s only Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Certified BodyTalk and MindScape Instructor since 2008
Angie’s qualifications in Body Chemistry and her work with glass vials specializes her with working and getting great results with addictions, allergies, intolerances, toxins and vaccination.
Angie specializes working with children and adults with learning problems, digestive issues, emotional problems.
Angie's qualification of PaRama College with Founder of BodyTalk System, Dr. John Veltheim, keeps her updated with latest developments of BodyTalk system, thus providing state of art health care services for her clients.
Using MindScape techniques, Angie S