My life revolves around me ,my family &my friends..i learn from my mistakes & neva regrets anything dats pastbut yes I never forget now dats a problem,not easily hurt but takes tyme to recover wen hurt em easy to talk to ,though hard to understand A v3ry c0mpAss!onAte aNd pr0teCtiVe c0mpAn!on fOr tHoSe I r3aLly l0ve, soMeTim3s t0o pr0t3ctiVe... Am bad at hiding feelings n CANT STAND FRNDZ LYING TO ME, very sporty n energetic (constant motion according 2 sum ppl!!lolz!) 1 thing which I lyk in me is dat I neva eva loses hope!! Em da gul who can do anything MASHALLAH se!! Really gets committed to whateva i want to do!! Pathan damagh hai mera (sab kehtey hain L)!! Jis cheez