hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.............about me, i m aint a difficult person the one who knows me, knows me really well..............
▒▒▓▓██████ heya ██████▓▓▒▒
am VeRy Fr|eNdlY, ExTra OrdInary Gen|us :P with Gr8 Talk|ng Style & Sense of Humor, You Are Go|ng to Love me ;)
|n Search of a True Fr|EnD from Beg|nn|nG of my life. RiGhT now I have JuST 2. So B mY 3rd fRiEnD, Th|s offer |s for L|m|teD Per|oD OnlY :P
| make my Own Choice of fRiEnDs (Unique & Exclusive) so dOnt sister to add me p|z... cOz |m very moody, |itt|e bit rude, short temper, straight fwd, |ess Ta|kaTiVe n a|so boring GuY… but im sincere wid my $pecia| fr|nx…
Uffffffff. Enough Bubbling f