i get major mood swings.. MAJOR i mean n i get senti a lot...
i rave n i rant about d stupidist things in da world.... but thats only
to a few ppl... ((who tell me 2 shut up n chill out))
im a totally detached person!!
i take instant liking n disliking 2 ppl i can get really mean n nasty if
i dont like u....
im a total day dreamer... im a die hard romantic...thinkin over the
whole walkin on d beach hand in hand at sunset things makes me smile...
i lluuvv reading i can be really obnoxious wen i want to.. most of d
times im just mizundaztood....
i hate ppl who back bite i hate dishonest ppl..
i luv winters...
im a very very very curious person!!!
but im also secretive...
i luv n