EvE U miSS me,nEvE u Cy.FO a dOp Of tea in U eyeS ,Is a dAy ess iN my ife !
If I Miss U, I Wi Miss U Smie a Ot,,,,But I ThiNk,I Wi Miss My Own Smie EvEn MOe
When tHe niGht has cOme & the ands dAk.
When tHe moOn is the Ony iGht.
We see, oOk at tHe stAs
Can U cOunt tHem ?
I misS u thAt muCh.
When A Vey Sweet N Close Peson
Goes Too Fa Fom Us,
We May Say O Not Say
But Ou Heat Says 2 Thee Heat:
U Made Me Aone..
SomeTimes, miSSing iS mOe peCioUs tHan Being toGetHe,
BcOz we misS ony thOse peOpe whOm We nevA wAnt tO misS !
EmEmbE thAt sAying AbsEncE makEs tHe HeaT g