# Anuraag hEre :'>
:- Age - 19 yEar o.0
:- Single but n0t avai'lable ;]
ii m describing as the following point'x
ii'm vEry kEwl pErson as l0ng as ii loss moii temper
alway's caRe about m0ii fRnd'z
highly ambitious pers0n who nd'x up getting nthg
Alway's allergic t0wards book's nd studiie's
i l0ve 2 live alone .... Sadness Happie'ness emotion's everything suffer but still Em wat Em !~!
i lub 2 mAke nEw fRnDz :))
muSic iis in m0i soul nd i can't live without music :))
Miss me 0r hate me n0 metter's
If uhh miss mE you alway's in m0i hEart
If uhh hate me i'll alway's be der iin ouR miind \m/
旅 留ll do 亳o 亳d f留从 f皕亳d plz do 亳o