I am a person who is pretty shy when I meet someone new, but if i get to know you, I open up, and trust me, I have a big personality. Or so my friends say.
Cora " Coco Bean" Moore My forever sister, and bestestest friend in the entire world!!!!!!!!
Kaylala Combs- Advice Giver, Best friend :) Person who knows how to keep me sane, my sister ( I love you :D )
Haley Anderson: The person I can't live without!!! She knows how to make me laugh, give great advice, and knows when I'm sad even when I'm trying to cover it up. :D ( I love you! :D)
Michi Tsoutsos - Advice giver, Bestestest Friend :) person who knows a lot of quotes :D ( I love you!!! )
John Shoniyi- Therapist, MY big Brot