O documento descreve o upgrade da solução de Recursos Humanos Logix para a ferramenta Protheus Capital Humano, oferecendo recursos aprimorados de folha de pagamento, ponto eletrônico e gestão de pessoas em conformidade com as leis trabalhistas.
O documento lista e descreve ferramentas virtuais usadas para comunicação pela internet, incluindo buscadores, e-mail, bate-papo, redes sociais, grupos de discussão e ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem.
The document discusses documentation that professionals must provide during anti-money laundering checks conducted by the Guardia di Finanza (Italian financial police). It notes that professionals, especially commercialists, must carefully comply with regulations regarding client identification and record keeping. It outlines the key documentation that must be maintained, such as client files and registers, whether in manual or electronic format, and the procedures that must be followed during inspections.
Este documento presenta una lista de 10 reglas de comportamiento para estudiantes. Las reglas incluyen hacer la fila correctamente, levantar la mano para hablar, no gritar en clase, traer la carpeta para los deberes, no pegar a los compañeros, prestar y compartir cosas, portarse bien, dejar la silla bien puesta, tirar la basura a la papelera, y ser amigos con todos.
El documento explica que es necesario planificar y organizar un sitio web antes de crear sus páginas. Se recomienda crear una carpeta principal y subcarpetas para archivos como imágenes, hojas de estilo y animaciones. Luego se pueden publicar los archivos en un servidor web. La organización de archivos permite administrar el sitio de forma ordenada.
The speaker thanks their faculty for teaching them new things and being professors that most students cannot say they learn from anymore. They also thank their peers for being amazing, supportive, and caring people who have shared memories with them that made their program experience unique. Finally, they thank their graduate advisor for being nurturing, patient, and providing guidance that helped them grow over the past year and a half.
Este documento presenta una lista de 10 reglas de comportamiento para estudiantes. Las reglas incluyen hacer la fila correctamente, levantar la mano para hablar, no gritar en clase, traer la carpeta para los deberes, no pegar a los compañeros, prestar y compartir cosas, portarse bien, dejar la silla bien puesta, tirar la basura a la papelera, y ser amigos con todos.
El documento explica que es necesario planificar y organizar un sitio web antes de crear sus páginas. Se recomienda crear una carpeta principal y subcarpetas para archivos como imágenes, hojas de estilo y animaciones. Luego se pueden publicar los archivos en un servidor web. La organización de archivos permite administrar el sitio de forma ordenada.
The speaker thanks their faculty for teaching them new things and being professors that most students cannot say they learn from anymore. They also thank their peers for being amazing, supportive, and caring people who have shared memories with them that made their program experience unique. Finally, they thank their graduate advisor for being nurturing, patient, and providing guidance that helped them grow over the past year and a half.
The document summarizes the key recommendations of the MyPyramid food guidance system for a 2,000 calorie per day diet, including recommended daily servings of grains (6 oz), vegetables (2.5 cups), fruits (2 cups), milk (3 cups), and meat and beans (5.5 oz). It emphasizes choosing whole grains, a variety of vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy, and lean proteins. The guidance also stresses being physically active for 30-60 minutes per day and limiting fats, sugars, and sodium. It provides 10 tips for cutting back on sweets such as serving small portions and offering fruit for dessert.
Alyssa hopes to use her skills in instructional technology after graduation by working in a university's residence life office, where she can help advertise digitally and help professors integrate technology into their classrooms. In a few years, she wants to work as a nurse using more tech-friendly equipment to educate patients, such as using iPads to teach children about diabetes. Ultimately, she wants to work for a marketing agency using educational programs and platforms to help people manage health conditions like diabetes and cancer.