*muhammad syarifuddin bin md sukor bin yusofe bin mohamed
*born in muar general hospital
*live in royal town of muar,johore,malaysia
*study in MARA Junior Science College Muar
*UPSR 2008
PMR 2011
SPM 2013
* my dream to be a southeast asia historian and archeologist
*my fav U is University of Malaya
*status now blurrr!!
*really hate who is hipokrit!!!
just be honest eventhough u're bad person,awt malu ngaku? sdiri wat sdiri tggung lar!!
*my fav country is singapore,brunei,indonesia and thailand koz there are many sites of ancient history
for those who is interest with history,(nevermind wat kind of history asalkn jgn sjrah idop ampa) can share with me especially local histor