.!,,! I rock!
.!,,! :p India
*IM JUST a HUMAN being, nOT eXTRAoRDINARY BUT sUPER dUPER gOOD... i Hate BOys And GiRLs... I'M NOrmal MAde By GOD aLOne... and i ROck...
*I hAte GIrlYISH thingS... THEY suCK
i haTE boYISh THings TOO.. BECaUSE theY suCK THE most...
*i loVE bEING NORmaL..
*I HATE boys AND GIRLS... but I love MY creATOR, God...
*i'M sO wEIRD BUT can COPe THings up eaSily...
IM ImperFECT but Wanted to HAVE magic poweRS AND WANTED to BEcom