Hi! welcome to my FB acc, hehehe....
About me? look down.. ^^
-Cigarradsphobia .-.
-Hooligans Bruno Mars
-Also.... students of highschool ^^
Likes Anime:
-Inazuma Eleven (Nishizono Shinsuke , Matsuno Kuusuke, Morimura Konoha, Kakuma Keita )
-KagePro (Seto Kousuke, Hibiya Amemiya, Tsubomi Kido)
-Youkai Watch (Komasan, Kyuubi [human mode])
-Touhou Project (Kirisame Marisa, Remilia&Flandre Scarlet, Seiga Kaku)
-Osu!player (Standart, Catch The Beat & Osu!Mania)
Oh, aku juga sebagai writer di #NistazumaEleven di twitter sebagai Morimura Konoha (@Keritingijoli) di twitter [[Hey, use english fi! .-. //just translate with google// ]]
蕁障! ^^